QCM design // ADS-B out upgrade for Cessna 525 Series

QCM Design GmbH, with its partners, will be providing a new STC for the Cessna 525 Series.

An upgrade from the normal Garmin GTX-330D Transponder to the ADS-B out capable Garmin GTX-330D w/ES Transponder.

We welcome the opportunity to provide you with a quote for your Transponder upgrade requirements, however small or large they may be.

For any further information, or if you are interested in certifying a project scope, please contact us.

Q.C.M. design gmbh
Eichholzweg 20 – 24
CH-3123 Belp

Phone: +41 / 31 960 40 99

STC_10057994_-_C525_GTX330DwES.pdf(141 K)