We would like to inform you that we have incorporated the latest amendments to the Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material (AMC & GM) to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2042/2003 into our consolidated version of Part-M.
QCM consolidated version Part-M Rev. 10, 19 January 2014:
This Revision 10 of the QCM consolidated version of Part-M became necessary to incorporate the latest changes to the Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material (AMC & GM) to Part-M published with ED Decision 2013/034/R of 19 December 2013.
As usual, our new consolidated version of Part-M, Revision 10 of 19 January 2014 can be found on our homepage for free download under:
Should you need further information, just contact us.
Your Q.C.M. Team.
Belp, 19 January 2014